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Changing Size of Font while viewing web pages

If your mouse has a wheel on top for scrolling, you can change the font size on the fly while viewing a web page

Here’s how:
Press and Hold the <Ctrl> button
While holding down the <Ctrl> button, use the mouse wheel to:
- Scroll down (or towards you) to make the font larger
- Scroll up (or away from you) to make the font smaller

Each click of the scroll button changes the font size slightly — so you have almost unlimited control over the font size

When you decide to change the font size back to the default, go up to the toolbar and:
- Choose View
- Choose Zoom
- Choose 100%

Another way to change the size of the font is to go up to the toolbar and:
- Choose View
- Choose Text Size
- Choose from among the choices of Smallest to Largest

The disadvantage to increasing the size of the font is you will see less text on your screen. But that may be made up by the fact that you can actually read what’s on the page.

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